When we have Plants in the house then the bugs are not far behind. Sure we can go to a chemical spray but the plants and we don’t like it. The bugs are so adaptive that they get resistant and don’t get killed after a while. A very good solution that I use is washing them off the plant with a force full spray of water. This can be done outside in the bath tub or in the kitchen sink. It works on aphids and spider mites. This is a good solution for a month and then they are back again. Once it is spring and the plants go outside and the natural enemies will take over again. Today it is above freezing so my plants get a nice shower outside. I will show a video how I do it.
Here is the video about removing aphids and other bugs. As you can see it is a hard spray so you have to hold the shoot. The life cycle of the aphid is like this; you only need 1 for breeding a colony. One adult will produce a baby every 4 hours. A baby becomes an adult in 4 days and also start to produce babies. As you can see this goes very fast so make sure you try to get them all