It is nice to have flowers out of the garden. And it is important to have them there. Your garden should have a biodiversity as large as you can make it. The more biodiversity you have the more nutritious your vegetables will be, the more resistance everything in it is for pests and the better everything grows.
I will work on more flowers in the garden. I am really impressed with the coriander that is blooming right now. When you come close you can hear a constant buzz of insects, they will help the rest of the garden. The aroma of the different herbs are nice to have and they ward off a lot of the bad insects, so why not interplant some of these within your vegies.
The added benefits of flowers in the garden is, that like vegetables, you can harvest some for the house and have them on the table. I planted some Statice and after we enjoyed them for a week in the house I hang them upside down so they dry and we have them all winter long.
If you like to hear and learn more about the come on Saturday morning for the garden tour I will talk and show you what I am doing and how you can incorporate these things into your garden. Look on the calendar and register yourself for one of the programs we have.