Louisette is busy preparing the abundance out of the garden so we have our own vegetables this winter. These are the slicing beans that my mother used to make when I was young and still in Holland. So this year I bought some seed and grew them. Louisette never had them and our first meal was a great success. She really liked them and the way she prepared them they tasted better than I remembered.
The way we grow our vegetables, no dig, no synthetic fertilizer and no chemical spray, we will have the nutritional value in them again that is lost in what we buy in the store. The food we buy now a days is robbed of all the nutrition. When prepared in a factory it is poisoned with glucose and fructose or any other sugar that will make you sick in the long run. All the chronic diseases and allergies have come about with the introduction of this no nutritional sterile food they say is good for us.
This morning I will explain and show how we grow our food, on our weekly walk through our garden come at 10 am and enjoy for 2 hours how a biodiverse a garden should be, that will give you an abundance of goodness.